In the past 10 years Ukraine faces a paradoxical situation: majority of vocational school graduates are unemployed while there is a critical deficit of blue-collar specialists in the labor market. The problem is in the inconsistency between the scope and diversity of specialties offered by vocational schools and real needs of economy and labor market. Employers complain about low level of professional training of the graduates. The labor market situation clearly demonstrates the urgent necessity for changes.
Decentralization of the vocational training may help optimize educational costs by focusing on real needs and demands of regional industries. Read more on this and international experience of such reforms in our article.
In the modern world, countries heavily invest in innovative technologies and know-how. At the same time Ukrainian export is still compounded solely of raw materials. We sell relatively cheap raw products and buy expensive high-tech products, which we could otherwise produce ourselves. The reason is the lack of financial support from business which doesn't show any particular interest in investing in science. Why science in Ukraine is still underdeveloped, how to change approaches to science funding schemes and which new opportunities for international scientific cooperation constitute a chance to take the Ukrainian science out of a decay – read in our article.
The Finns live according to the principle of "less is more". Moreover, it’s the fundamental rule of the Finnish educational philosophy: fewer teachers, fewer classes, less testing. In contrast to the South Korea’s educational system, Finns encourage child's motivational perception to learn and acquire knowledge, rather than "study to the exams". Society trusts the system entirely and gives education respect and gratitude it deserves.
In our article you will learn some facts about Finland’s educational structure, which subsequently became the main instrument of total economy's transformation.
Human capital can become the driving force for development of the country, even without vast natural resources. South Korea is a good example. The country where most of the population used to be illiterate, turned into economic giant having created such brands as Samsung, Hyundai, Daewoo and LG. Strict control on investments in education and their efficiency created a pool of professionals and helped to fully transform the economy.
In our article you will learn how South Korean experience can be useful for Ukraine and why increasing funding for education that is still based on the principle ‘diploma for the sake of diploma’ will not have the same result.
Dependence on state donations isn't a key to academic success. This statement finds its support in the financial structure of the most prominent world universities. Endowment is a source of regular and stable income for such well-known universities as Harvard, Yale, Princeton and Stanford. The revenues from endowment are generally allocated to a wide range of university's academic and non-academic purposes: provision of scholarships to talented students, financing research and innovations, covering additional costs for health care, public services and sports events. Conventionally, each endowment-fund consists of a charitable donor contributions and donations of patrons, which are subsequently invested and income received upon is directed to satisfy academic needs. This is the topic of our report "Endowment in Higher Education: International Practice and Ukrainian Reality", which we are pleased to bring to your thorough consideration.
One of the ways to make the budget distribution more efficient in the field of education is to reform schools with small numbers of pupils. Which effect it will have on the level of education of pupils in the countryside? Read the article below.
How do schools operate in the US?
What features should Ukraine borrow from the British education system? This publication was prepared in partnership with Focus.