The Size of the State: The Size of the State: every third employee works for the state

Since Ukraine became independent, the roles of the state and budget in our lives have significantly decreased. Numerous success stories in the private sector emerged, many enterprises were privatized and even in the sphere of social services private initiative is getting a leading role. It might seem to be enough for now, since the state is nevertheless poor, week and incapable. However, it is only on the first sight.

The size of the state is still excessive. And this is not only because state expenditures make up 47.8% of GDP, which is one of the highest rates in the world. It is also characterized by employment if the government sector, state enterprises and all the diversity of the social security. In the situations where the state is excessive, there are no favorable conditions for emergence of Silicon Valleys, start-ups, growth of business activity and creation of new work places.

To demonstrate the impact of the role of the state in our lives we have prepared the first infographic in the series “The Size of the State”

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Russian science is amazing. So why hasn’t it taken over the world?

«Russian science is amazing. So why hasn’t it taken over the world?» by Leon Neyfakh published in The Boston Globe on January 4, 2015 is very well worth reading. Follow the link and enjoy!

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On civil servants in Ukraine

A new law on civil service should be negotiated and adopted in the first quarter of 2015. Producing a high quality piece of legislation requires, in the first place, a careful review of the existing civil service system. The report “On Civil Servants in Ukraine” provides readers with essential relevant information.

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Laying off of civil servants: An insider’s opinion

An ex-civil servant shared his views on reducing the size of government with the Price of the State. He believes that laying off of a number of civil servants is an absolutely necessary measure that would allow both to keep only the most talented employees and to save money. Certainly, layoffs should be combined with a complete review of government functions and intensive training programs for civil servants.

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“Candidate pool” or What one needs to know to start a staff reform

VoxUkraine, a portal set up to promote research-based policy analysis in Ukraine, published an article on the civil service reform.

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Ukraine to fund political parties from public purse

A newly adopted Anticorruption Strategy 2014-2017 contains a provision for direct public funding of political parties. Right now, there is only a general description of this idea that raises a need for an additional legislation in this regard. The success or failure of the idea would eventually hinge on the quality of that additional legislation.

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Laid off civil servants: where are they?

New Ukrainian politicians have been discussing civil service cuts since they came to power. Has anything changed? Not a lot.

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Reforming the Ukrainian supervision system: Not bad, but there is room for improvement

The Cabinet of Ministers reduced the number of state supervision agencies by half: from 56 to 27. Overall, this reform has been designed with the latest and best world practices in the field of public administration in mind. Nevertheless, changes in the numbers of agencies, functions, and employees are not going to automatically increase the quality of public services. In order to achieve that goal, the government will have to introduce additional reforms.

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